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Adventure In The Woods (Holiday Sessions)

Posted on: March 18th, 2017 by Jen

Adventure in the woods  holiday sessions are open to all children from 3 – 11 years of age, whether or not they attend Kindergarten. We also welcome the 2 year old’s who attend Kindergarten during the term time. These are full day sessions, beginning at 8:30 am and ending at 4:15 pm. Single and multiple sessions are available.

Summer holiday dates 2020

3-11 yrs:

Week 1

26/7/22 ,27/7/22, 28/7/22

Week 2

2/8/22, 3/8/22 ,4/8/22

Week 3

9/8/22, 10/8/22, 11/8/22

Den building, exploring nature, forest crafts,
enjoying food cooked on the camp fire.
All sessions £35 per child including lunch, snacks and drinks.
Special rates for siblings.

For more information  or to book your child’s session please contact

Kirsteen Freer
01725 517807
07510 541189

Ofsted Report

Posted on: February 12th, 2017 by Jen

On the 28/4/22 ofsted carried out a routine inspection, we achieved a rating of Good.

Please read below to see some of what the ofsted inspector had to say:

Children behave exceptionally well. They take turns, show respect for each other’s ideas and play beautifully together. Children thrive in the calm, well-organised environment which helps them to relax and immerse themselves in learning. They demonstrate impressive levels of attention. Children recall things they have learned in the past and relate them to their play and planned activities. They are eager to show off their knowledge. For example, older children confidently talk about the forest school rules. They practise the rules as they walk around to complete risk assessments before they start exploring the woodland area. Staff recognise children’s hard work and offer praise and encouragement in return. This helps to secure the strong, affectionate bonds children have with the staff.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, staff are providing children with even greater support in the development of their communication and language, and social skills. Small-group activities provide children with lots of opportunities to express their own thoughts and ideas, which helps to boost their confidence. Children embrace this. They talk animatedly to staff about things they hear and see in the environment. They are keen to talk about plants and flowers, and how to use the stem of a dandelion as a whistle.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. The manager ensures that the staff receive the necessary training to give them a secure knowledge and understanding of safeguarding. As a result, staff are alert to any matters which may raise concerns about children. They know how to report these concerns. Thorough and safe recruitment procedures are in place to check staff’s suitability to work with children. The manager demonstrates a secure knowledge of matters which must be notified to Ofsted. Staff are required to complete a range of other mandatory training, such as first aid and food hygiene.

For the full report please follow the link below


Posted on: January 11th, 2017 by Jen

Date to be confirmed for 2022

Free Entry

Every one at Elves and fairies would like to invite you and  your friends and family to our open day. You will have the opportunity to meet our team, who will happily answer any of your questions you may have. Staff will be available to show you around and talk you through our daily routines. You will be able to experience what our Outstanding  kindergarten is all about by participating in activities and craft.

Most of all we want you to have fun, whilst experiencing the benefits of learning through play in an outside environment.

There will be picnic lunches, cakes and teas available to purchase.

email to book your place.