Daily routines.


8:45     Meet at the field gate for hide and seek, ball games etc, while children assemble.

9:00     Cross the  field recording what they observe en route in their notebooks e.g. slugs, birds or wild flowers, using observation sheets to help identify what they see.

9:15     Risk assessment talk and walk.

9:30      Lunch preparation e.g. veg chopping, cheese grating ,
Stick collection and sawing of branches for lunch time fire.
Free play e.g. wood chip pile and mud pit kitchen, balance bikes, rope swings, tree clambering, den building, painting, chalking, drawing, puzzles and books.
Staff led craft activity, often using resources found in and around the woods and fields.
Water collection for hand washing and water play.
Gardening and watering plants.

10:30    Ring time:
Time for the children to “share” with the others e.g. what they have done at home, where they have been, sing a song.
Songs and rhymes, often related to the seasons and festivals.
Literacy and Numeracy e.g. “I hear with my little ear”.

10:45    Wash hands and snack

11:00    Helping to clear up and washing up when appropriate.
Free Play and continuation of earlier activities.
Laying of fire.

12:00   Lunch cooking, with “Cooks Help” involved as much as possible, fetching and carrying, preparing table, recycling of tins etc.

12:55   Wash hands and Lunch

1:30     Rest time for those staying all day, while others get ready to leave.

2:00    Stories, sewing, puzzles and other quite activities while some children are asleep, then free play as before, ring games, music games, story re-enactment etc.

3:15  Tidy away with children’s help.

3:30  Wash hands and snack time.

3:45     Get ready to go home.         

4:00     Set off across field.

4:15      Pick up time.