Each day both large and small chalk boards are available for mark making. Clip boards with paper, crayons and colored pencils are also put out each day, so that the children may take them wherever they like to draw pictures and practice their mark making. During Ring-time “I hear with my little ear” may be played, encouraging the children to recognize the sounds that make up words, and various alphabet jigsaw puzzles are available to aid them in letter recognition. When we are outside in the woods there are many opportunities for the children to make progress in their mark making and letter recognition e.g. dragging sticks through the mud, finding sticks that look like letters of the alphabet or creating letters from sticks, seeing letters in the trees or clouds. We also take ID sheets and wild flower books etc. on walks and the children are able to look up the various things they find. Children are helped to understand that written symbols form words and carry meaning through the reading of stories to individuals and small groups. Both inside and outside we provide a basket of beautiful books for children to look at, each with a small amount of writing. This gives children an opportunity to become familiar with books, how to handle them with care and to become aware of their use both for reference and as a source of enjoyment. Through these different opportunities we hope to give the children a life long love of books and learning.